講師名: Desirie Nicole Daligdig 先生
学历: Embedded Systems
兴趣爱好: Exploring new things, singing, and travelling
担当信息: 商务英语(Business English) 中老年英语( English for Seniors ) 旅游英语(Travel English) 自由会话(Free Talk) 英语习语(American Idioms) 英语听力(Listening English) 英语写作(English Writing) 时事英语(Current English) 综合英语(Total English) 青少年英语(Kids English) 美剧英语(TV shows) 英语口语(Spoken English) English Grammar
自我介绍 :
Hello! I'm Desirie Nicole. My journey in the online education space began in 2022, and I've had the privilege of working with remarkable organizations.